Terms of Use


We urge you to take the time to thoroughly read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Using or visiting MKNS MYKONOS Realty implies that you have an understanding, knowledge, and acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, use of this Site is prohibited. The pronouns “we/our/us” throughout this Terms of Use and Privacy Policy refer to MKNS MYKONOS Realty. Whereas, the pronouns “you/your/yours” refer to the User. This Terms of Use document and the Privacy Policy form a comprehensive agreement between MKNS MYKONOS Realty and the User concerning their use, replacing any previous agreements or understandings.


MKNS MYKONOS Realty is a Real Estate Agency. All the information, images, videos, and details about the real estate properties listed on our website www.mykonos.realty have been provided by our expert realtors. We strive to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this data but we can’t make any claims or guarantees in this regard. We recommend that you double-check all the specifics of a given property with our real estate experts before taking further action or making a decision related to any property listed on MKNS MYKONOS Realty. Using the information provided on this website is done at your own discretion and you are solely responsible for any risk associated with it. By accepting these terms, you acknowledge and agree that it is your sole responsibility to ensure that the device (e.g. computer, smartphone, or tablet) used to access this website (www.mykonos.realty) is compatible and has all of the necessary features installed in order to be able to use the services provided on this site. It is important to use our system and website in an intended manner. Tampering, hacking, circumventing security systems, or altering the proper functioning of our systems or website is strictly prohibited. Any attempts at such activities will not be tolerated. This can involve the introduction of malicious computer viruses, worms, trojans, logic bombs, and all other illegal or hazardous approaches to technology. Utilizing, or attempting to use, any automated programs is strictly prohibited. Without exception, any automated program (such as web spiders and crawlers) is not allowed to access our systems or the Site, search, display, or link to any part of this Site. An exception is made when such programs identify themselves in the User Agent field and follow the Robots Exclusion Protocol (robots.txt). MKNS MYKONOS Realty reserves the right to establish acceptable content standards while using the features and services provided, as well as when interacting with real estate agents. It is necessary that all users abide by these guidelines set out in the Terms of Use.


Enrollment with MKNS MYKONOS Realty is contingent on the User providing accurate and verifiable data, as well as confirming that they are at least 18 years of age. The User affirms that all of the details supplied are accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. It is their responsibility to keep our records updated with any changes to the data they supplied upon registration. Although some parts of MKNS MYKONOS Realty can be used by anyone without requiring registration, some services require that the User register in order to verify their identity. Upon registration, you provide your consent to receive email notifications and updates on MKNS MYKONOS Realty’s activities, other service offerings, and some promotional offers from third-party organizations.


While we work towards providing a continuous and error-free experience on our website & services, there may be technical or other issues that may disrupt usage. We cannot completely guarantee that the Website or Services will always function without any interruptions. Occasionally, maintenance or an upgrade may require us to make the website and the services unavailable on short notice. We strive to keep any downtime at a minimum and regret any disruption or loss of service that may occur. We are not responsible for such incidents. We retain the full authority to modify, suspend or terminate any portion of our Website and/or Services, including access to it.


MKNS MYKONOS Realty has no control over the accuracy of the data it receives from third-party sources and therefore is not responsible for any inaccuracies in this material. You agree to protect us from any claims or disputes related to such disputes with third parties. Our website may include links to third-party products, services, and/or websites that are not associated with us. We do not have any authority over these third-party products, services, or websites and we cannot guarantee or accept liability for them. We accept third-party advertisements on our website, but we do not endorse or take any responsibility for any mistakes or wrong information in these ads. The responsibility for such errors lies entirely with the advertiser. Any advertisement links should not be seen as an endorsement from our side.


The services and all of the Materials on MKNS MYKONOS Realty, including but not limited to, activities that relate to the design, development, copy, search results, images, graphics, structure, layout, and the underlying software code are protected by copyright and trademarks and are subject to the intellectual property rights of MKNS MYKONOS Realty and its licensors. It is a violation of our intellectual property rights to reproduce or copy our logos, trademarks, and/or services without obtaining our prior written consent. We reserve all rights to these materials, except for the limited license rights explicitly given. Without getting prior approval from us, no one is allowed to reproduce, republish, transmit, or distribute any material or information from our website. You may access the Services and view the content for personal use only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, you are allowed to download and print out pages of information, as required. We reserve the right to terminate your license of our services and restrict access to our Site under any circumstances, at our own discretion, and without prior notice.


MKNS MYKONOS Realty and related services are provided without any warranties, expressed or implied. We do not provide any form of guarantee for these services. By using our Site and Services, you acknowledge that you are doing so solely at your own risk. We have to make it clear that we do not guarantee the quality, suitability, compatibility, reliability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, access, or use of any product in any way. All warranties including implied ones are explicitly disclaimed. We disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, in regard to the potential defects, errors, and/or omissions in our services. Additionally, it is the user’s responsibility to assess the quality, accuracy, appropriateness, completeness, and reliability of our Services, or any information obtained therein. MKNS MYKONOS Realty provides information and details about the various properties to users. This material is only intended for informational and marketing purposes and we cannot guarantee its accuracy. We do not accept any liability for any inaccuracies should they occur. We would like to clarify that the property listings available on our website are not a declaration of ownership; this responsibility lies in the hands of the relevant authority. Any relevant information should be acquired straight from them. It is imperative for prospective buyers/tenants to guarantee the correctness of all property descriptions, whilst it is the responsibility of agents to confirm that descriptions of properties displayed are accurate and correct.


MKNS MYKONOS Realty shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or other damages arising out of its use. This applies to our directors, shareholders, directors, employees, and agents as well as suppliers. Should any contention or dispute arise between you and us or our suppliers concerning these Terms of Use, the only course of action available to you is to cease using the Services. Despite what is written above, nothing in this clause should be interpreted as a limitation of the legal rights of users as consumers that cannot be excluded. Furthermore, we will not exclude or limit our liability to you if you experience personal injury or death due to our negligence.


In our absolute discretion, these Terms of Use may be amended at any moment without prior notification. The amendments will be published on our website and will take effect at the time of publication. After the changes introduced in the Services become effective, your continued use will be considered as an acceptance of such changes. We have the right to modify, suspend or stop access to any or all of the Services at any time for each and every user, with or without warning. In the event we exercise our right to modify, suspend or discontinue any part of Services, we will not be responsible for any potential damages to either you or any other parties.


These Terms of Use are subject to the laws of Greece and thus any disputes arising from these terms must be solved in the courts of Athens, Greece. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to take action in any jurisdiction necessary to protect our intellectual property rights. Should any portion of these Terms of Use be deemed to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be substituted with an alternate one that reflects the initial intent as closely as possible, in compliance with applicable law. The remaining sections of these Terms of Use shall remain effective and applicable.


The headings of this Agreement are used solely for convenience and do not create any legal obligation. We reserve the right to totally or partially reassign this Agreement at any time without prior notification, and as a result, shall be discharged from any responsibility as stated in these Terms of Use. Under no circumstances are you permitted to transfer or sublicense your rights declared in these Terms of Use. Our delay in exercising or failing to enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use with regard to a violation by you or others shall not be seen as a waiver of such legal action. We cannot be held liable for any violation of these Terms of Use caused by outside factors that are beyond our control.